Bible Book of the Month

You can hear where God is speaking to you today! In 2025 we want to listen to how God is speaking into our lives and what better place to begin than by listening to the scriptures. Each month there will be a “Bible Book of the Month” that you are invited to read on your own with an ear open for how God is speaking to your life today. As more people in the congregation take up this practice the “Bible Book of the Month” and our listening for the Spirit’s guidance will become a uniting theme in the life of our congregation. It will draw us closer together. It will draw us closer to the Triune God. And it will help us to notice God’s leading in our lives for the sake of our neighbors.

Each month’s “Bible Book of the Month” will be announced in worship on the first Sunday of each month. Then you’ll have a month to read at your own pace.

In months when there is a short “Bible Book of the Month” then there will be an opportunity for a couple of bonus books! If you read along then by the end of 2025 you will have read over 20 books of the Bible!

Pastor Stephen, Intern Joe, Bible Study leaders all would love to hear what you’re reading and what you’re hearing as you read. We’d love to discuss your insights and your sense of where the Spirit is leading you through what you read. Please share!

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