
The mission of the Nurture Committee is to facilitate or meet the spiritual, fellowship, and other needs of the Congregation.

Assist Pastor in meeting the needs of those unable to attend church or those who are ill or in other need of assistance.

  • Card ministry – send monthly notes as well as birthday cards to shut-in or ailing members to let them know that the congregation is thinking of them.
  • Funeral/Memorial Services – assist families in preparing a reception for after the service if desired.
  • Food for congregation members – arrange for volunteers to assist in supplying meals for those in need because of illness or other life event.
  • Prayer blankets – for those we want to remind that they are covered in prayer, Peace has a prayer blanket ministry. We bring those blankets before the congregation during the worship service, surround them in prayers, and sent them out as our way of saying “You are not alone.”

Fellowship events – at various times during the year we gather for congregational meals and celebrations.

Special recognition events – coordinate events to celebrate our confirmands, graduates, and other momentous occasions.

Organize benevolent and fund-raising activities

Welcome and assimilate new members – arrange for mentors to help new members feel comfortable as they learn about Peace.

Cookies and Conversation – On Sunday mornings after worship, we host cookies and conversation in the Fellowship Hall to extend a warm welcome to visitors and to create a space for building relationships among all who have gathered for worship.

Fellowship groups at Peace provide an opportunity for our members to grow and minister to each other through activities outside of the worship experience. Here are some of the currently ongoing fellowship groups we have available:

Women’s Ministry

  • Women’s Book Discussion
    1st Tuesday of the month at 10:00 am in Classroom 10
  • Women of Peace
    3rd Tuesday of the month at 10:00 am – Local Restaurant
    Women of all ages are invited to attend this monthly gathering for fellowship over a meal at a local restaurant. Contact the church office to get involved.

Men’s Ministry

  • Monday Men’s Group
    Food, beverages, and typically a question of the day gather our men for relationship building on Mondays at 5:30 p.m. Contact the church office to get involved.
  • Tuesday Men’s Breakfast Group
    The guys gather at Cracker Barrel on Tuesday mornings at 8:30 a.m. for some good food and sharing about life. Contact the church office to get involved.
  • Men’s Book Group
    2ndTuesday of the month at 10:00 am meeting on zoom. Contact the church office to get involved.

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