Advent 2023 – Meeting Jesus Anew: Savior, Messiah, Lord.

On Christmas Eve we will hear the angel say to the shepherds, “to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord.” Often we skip over these phrases or have heard them so often we don’t really know what they mean. This Advent season we’re going to meditate on these titles for Jesus so that we might recognize him anew.

This year’s Advent theme is, “Meeting Jesus anew: Savior, Messiah, and Lord.”

Maybe you’ve been to a church recently or maybe this is when you are jumping back into church. Either way you’re welcome at Peace.


Plan your visit today and we will:

  • Meet you at the front door
  • Help you get your kids situated
  • Introduce you around to a few people
  • Save you seats
  • We’ll even sit with you if you want (so you don’t have to sit by yourself)


We want to make your first visit as easy possible and actually take time to get to know you and your family.

Wild idea, right?

Will you come hang out with us this Sunday?

Click on the Plan Your Visit button below and schedule your visit for this Sunday!

Advent and Christmas highlights

Mid-Week Hymn Sing, and Holden Evening Prayer

Wednesday December 6, 13, and 20. The Hymn Sing begins at 6:50 p.m. and Holden Evening Prayer begins at 7:00 p.m.

Peace Choir Cantata

Sunday, December 10th during the 10:00 a.m. worship service will feature Carols: A Cantata for Congregation and Choir by Heather Sorenson, sung by YOU, and the Peace Lutheran Choir. Enjoy singing along to the Christmas carols you know and love with the Lessons and Carols style cantata. In this cantata, there’s time and space for everyone to sing in the choir, but don’t worry, our music director Betsy, will let you stay in pews this time.

Sunday School Christmas Pageant

Sunday, December 17th during the 10:00 a.m. worship service. Our pre-K – 5th grade Sunday School kids have a beautiful Christmas message to share with the congregation within the 10:00 a.m. worship service.

Christmas Eve Worship Service – 4:00 p.m

Sunday, December 24 we will celebrate Christmas Eve – the Nativity of Our Lord. This service will include Holy Communion, candle lighting, and special music. The musical prelude will begin at 3:30 p.m. and will feature soloists, choir, and congregational singing. We also expect a lot of kids and the joy they bring to worship! Please make plans to arrive early as we are expecting a packed house.

Twelve Days of Christmas Prayer Challenge

Will you join Pastor Stephen in the Twelve Days of Christmas Prayer Challenge? Sign up with this link then you’ll receive a daily text message with a short thought focused on Christmas and the generosity of God. This is a great way to keep your focus on the reason for the season for the entire twelve days of this Christmas season!

Advent Devotion Booklet

Download and use this prayer booklet to pray throughout the season of Advent. Download it here.

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